Scientific research has established that cranberries can be beneficial for our canine and feline family members across multiple areas, making it an important superfruit. This is why we have incorporated cranberries in every formula of Cherish Pet Food.

Starting with how it assists urinary tract health, anthocyanins , proanthocyanins type A, cytokines and organic acids reduce the likelihood of pathogenic bacteria attaching to the urinary tract which will assist in reducing lower urinary tract disease.

With a healthy gut microbiome being proven to assist overall health, these components of cranberries assist with maintaining a healthy gut by strengthening mucosal layers in the gut and reducing inflammation due to oxidative stress.

Cranberries also contain manganese, which can assist with joint health by maintaining joint lubrication and promoting healthy bone development.

Cherish Pet Food has incorporated Cranberries in all pet food formulas at the scientifically established levels to assist with overall health whilst not affecting palatability and to nourish mind, body and spirit.

We take care of the science, so you can Cherish more moments together.